受信者 Chemslot : YEah, but he's also so aware of how careful he wants to be, so much hotter than the tops who nail the boy to the bed- or the stairs, or the wall, or the desktop or hard-edged formica-top table. And his body remains huge but also warm, pumped[that vein on the right biceps], but juicy. And htat makes it [for me at least] so much hotter. It's full of give and take.
返信 元のコメント
MAN- stiffest boners I ever had was in a steamy shower with my Dad... these days it brings back memories when I'm seducing a punk with his Mom washing supper dishes in the kitchen and hollering if we want any dessert while I'm sucking the spunk outta the kid's pee slit. "YEAH, baby- be right down for a banana split... and your pussy!" LOL! Thanks for posting! Guy