She asks me for help to prepare my wife's party, but my sister-in-law's intentions were to fuck me and fill her pussy with semen

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My sister-in-law decides to put recording a camera, calls me to talk about my wife's birthday (his sister) and finalize details ... I explain that I have things to do but she insists seduce me ... I explain I must go to motilave me for my wife's birthday, I even mentioned that I have my penis with many hairs and it was the reason for her to start flirting, she tells me that one of her fetishes is to see a man with the hairy penis like He tries to convince me to teach him ... at first I get difficult, but then she convinces me and not only I show him my hairy penis, I also end up fucking with my sister-in-law in a spectacular way !! My sister-in-law is so bitch that she asks me to make her all my cum inside her vagina!!! Everything without realizing that it was a trim to teach my wife!


Ahora sí, ahora sí le voy a mandar un videíto a mi hermanita papá, sí, déjale Gabriela.

Mira, te voy a decir que tu esposo no es lo que tú crees, te voy a demostrar lo perro que es ese mal parido hingueputa.

Es que no sabes lo perro que es, pero yo sí.

Mire, primero que todo, le voy a demostrar quién es su marido.

Su marido es un hingueputa perro, para que sepa, o yo.

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